Works released in 2005
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Note that these pages make no claim to be complete listings. Information is added as editors' time permits.
Note to contributors: Please use the guidelines in the Games released (style guide) when adding content to these pages.
- Abduction: see Of Masters and Mistresses: Abduction.
- The Adventure of Space Boy! (David Parish; 30-Jun-2005).
- The Amazing Uncle Griswold (David Whyld; 24-Jul-2005). IntroComp 2005.
- The Annihilation of 3 (Adam Dundas; 26-May-2005).
- The Cabin - Inspiration Does Not Come Standard (Blue Roses; v1.5: 19-Jan-2005).
- Can It Be All So Simple? (The Dominant Species; 21-Aug-2005). InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2005.
- Choices (David Whyld; 14-Feb-2005).
- Consequences (David Whyld; 1-Dec-2005).
- Crawler's Delight (A.Troll; 14-Jul-2005).
- Crazy Old Bag Lady (Sprite; 16-Jul-2005).
- Crossworlds Part 3: The Final Far Far Away Frontier (BBBen; Jan-2005).
- A Day At The Seaside (Matthew Hunter; 17-Apr-2005). InsideADRIFT Spring Comp 2005. InsideADRIFT Download.
- Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Sex (captain_cranky_pants2000; 16-Jan-2005).
- Decisions (David Whyld; 05-Jun-2005).
- The Demon Hunter (David Parish; 25-Sep-2005). Finish The Game Comp 2005.
- Escape to Freedom (porter: Richard Otter; 16-Jun-2005). Port of: Escape to Freedom (Mario Moeller; 1989; Commodore 64). Download from Delron.
- Escape to New York (Richard Otter; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Les Feux de l'enfer (Sabine Gorecki; Oct-2005). French. French Mini-If-Comp.
- The Final Far Far Away Frontier: see Crossworlds Part 3: The Final Far Far Away Frontier.
- The Final Question (David Whyld; 21-May-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005.
- Fire in the Blood (Richard Otter; 17-Apr-2005). InsideADRIFT Spring Comp 2005. Delron Download.
- Frustrated Interviewee (Robert Rafgon; 17-Apr-2005). InsideADRIFT Spring Comp 2005. InsideADRIFT Download.
- Graduation Night at the Brothel (strgzr02002; 18-Jan-2005).
- The Hunter (Red Assassin; 25-Sep-2005). Finish The Game Comp 2005.
- In The Claws Of Clueless Bob ((David Whyld; 18-May-2005). Download from Adrift website
- The House Husband (Christy Henshaw; 17-Apr-2005). InsideADRIFT Spring Comp 2005. InsideADRIFT Download.
- Laboratory R.A.T.S. (Christy Henshaw; 10-Aug-2005).
- Lauren's Awakening (TotalDirt2000; Jun-2005). CCAB Comp 2005.
- Lights, Camera, Action! (David Whyld; 21-Aug-2005). InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2005.
- Marmalade Skies (evil flagpole; 07-Jun-2005).
- Mortality (David Whyld; 01-Oct-2005; Adrift). IF Comp 2005.
- Murder Mansion (Roy Lee as "Reelyor"; 21-May-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005.
- Must Escape! (Robert Rafgon; intro: 21-May-2005, summer: 21-Aug-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005. InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2005.
- Notice Me (Wotan-Anubis; 28-Nov-2005).
- Oakwood School (rav_p89; 07-Feb-2005).
- Of Masters and Mistresses: Abduction (Grimm Sharlak; 23-Jan-2005).
- Options (David Whyld; 06-Aug-2005).
- Outline (Robert Rafgon; 21-May-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005.
- Pathway To Destruction (Richard Otter; 25-Sep-2005). Finish The Game Comp 2005.
- The Plague (Redux) (Cannibal; 01-Oct-2005; Adrift). IF Comp 2005.
- Point 2 Point (Christy Henshaw; 21-May-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005.
- Private Eye (David Whyld; 17-Apr-2005). InsideADRIFT Spring Comp 2005. InsideADRIFT Download.
- PTBAD6andoneeighth (Jonathan Berman as "Slan Xorax"; 01-Oct-2005; Adrift). IF Comp 2005.
- Qui a tué „ana ? (Vegeta; Oct-2005). French. French Mini-If-Comp.
- Rachel's Bad Day (Sly Dog; 08-Mar-2005).
- Regrets (David Whyld; 21-Aug-2005). InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2005.
- Rift (Red-Sith; 21-May-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005.
- Second Chance (David Whyld; 31-Mar-2005). Spring Thing 2005.
- Shadow Of The Past (Catharine Post; 25-Sep-2005). Finish The Game Comp 2005.
- Shadowjack (Arnold Rimmer; 25-Sep-2005). Finish The Game Comp 2005.
- Silk Road Secrets: Samarkand to Lop Nor (Christy Henshaw; 21-May-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005.
- Space Boy's First Adventure (thatguy; v2.0: 11-Aug-2005).
- A Spot of Bother (David Whyld; 12-Dec-2005).
- Take One (Robert Street; 25-Sep-2005). Finish The Game Comp 2005.
- Target (Richard Otter; 21-Aug-2005). InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2005.
- Train (Sly Dog; 21-Jun-2005).
- Vendetta (James Hall as "Fuyu Yuki"; 01-Oct-2005; Adrift). IF Comp 2005.
- Veteran Knowledge (Robert Rafgon; 11-Feb-2005). Download.
- A Walk At Dusk (Eric Mayer; 19-Jan-2005). Download.
- The White Singularity (Irene Villanueva; 26-Jul-2005).
- Wizards Playground (evil_flagpole; Feb-2005). Download.
- X-Men: First Day at the Institute (Captain Cranky Pants; 02-Aug-2005).
- Zack Smackfoot (Ken Franklin; 21-May-2005). ADRIFT Intro Comp 2005.
- Waldo's Pie (Michael Arnaud; 01-Oct-2005; Alan 3). IF Comp 2005.
- Los alegres hombres de Sherwood (Vingthor; 11-Sep-2005; Glulx). Spanish. MedievoComp.
- Las Aventuras de Rudolphine Rur (David Carbonell; 7-Mar-2005). Spanish.
- Bananenrepublik (Christof Menear; 1-Apr-2005). German. Grand Prix 2005.
- Beyond (Mondi Confinanti; 01-Oct-2005; Glulx). IF Comp 2005.
- La Caja de Sarimek (Jarel; 11-Sep-2005; Glulx). Spanish. MedievoComp.
- Casa Tomada (Daniel Garrido; 15-Mar-2005). Spanish. Mystery House Taken Over.
- Cheiron (Sarah Clelland and Elisabeth Polli; 01-Oct-2005; Glulx). IF Comp 2005.
- Glass Boxes (Yune Kyung Lee and Yoon Ha Lee; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Little Falls (Alessandro Schillaci, Roberto Grassi, Simonato Enrico, publisher: Mondi Confinanti; 27-May-2005; Glulx). Italian. Gamepage.
- Mystery House Kracked by the Flippy Disk (Nick Montfort; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Mystery House Makeover (Adam Cadre; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Mystery House Nightmared (Art Destroyer; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Mystery House: Occluded Vengeance (Guy Minor; 26-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Mystery House Remixedup (Scott Rettberg; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- [You wake up itching.] (Michael Gentry; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Distress (Mike Snyder; 01-Oct-2005; Hugo). IF Comp 2005.
- Amissville II (Santoonie Corporation; 01-Oct-2005; TADS 2). IF Comp 2005.
- Bolivia By Night (Aidan Doyle; 31-Mar-2005). Spring Thing 2005.
- British Fox and the Celebrity Abductions (TADS port) (Lucilla Frost; 28-Feb-2005; TADS 2). Original version was released in 2004.
- Chancellor (Kevin Venzke; 01-Oct-2005; TADS 2). IF Comp 2005.
- Fever Cabin (GoddoG; 27-Sep-2005; TADS 2).
- Finding Martin (Gayla Wennstrom; TADS 2).
- Gilded (A Hazard; 01-Oct-2005; TADS 2). IF Comp 2005.
- Meine Dalix (Alice Merridew; 27-Feb-2005).
- Off the trolley (Krisztian Kaldi; 01-Oct-2005; TADS 2). IF Comp 2005.
- PTBAD5 (Jonathan Berman as "Xorax"; Feb-2005). Download.
- Sabotage on the Century Cauldron (Thomas de Graaff; 01-Oct-2005; TADS 2). IF Comp 2005.
- Sex Artist (A. Ninny; Jun-2005; TADS 2). CCAB Comp 2005.
- Snowman Sextet Part I: But For A Single Flake a.k.a. Segment 1 (Roger Carbol; 26-May-2005; TADS 2). Segment Mini-Comp.
- Threnody (John "Doppler" Schiff; 31-Mar-2005). Spring Thing 2005.
- Tomorrow Never Comes (A. Bomire; 04-Feb-2005; TADS 2).
- Weekend (Pierre; 26-May-2005 ; TADS 2).
- Xen: The Contest (Xentor; 01-Oct-2005; TADS 2). IF Comp 2005.
- All Hope Abandon (Eric Eve; 07-May-2005; TADS 3). Temporary download link.
- Ideal Pacific Coast University (NewKid; 22-Apr-2005; TADS 3).
- Mix Tape (Brett Witty; 01-Oct-2005; TADS 3). IF Comp 2005.
- Negotis: Book 1 (Robert DeFord; 24-Jul-2005; TADS 3). IntroComp 2005.
- This is a test of several forms combat in IF. a.k.a. BattleSim Demo (James Mallette; 24-Aug-2005). Demo. Download page.
- Those Annoying Aliens (EvilBob; Jun-2005; TADS 3). CCAB Comp 2005.
- l'Armando (Andrea Rezzonico; Apr-2005). Italian. One Room Game Competition 2005: sole entry and winner.
- Authority (Eva Vikström; 31-Mar-2005). Spring Thing 2005.
- Book and Volume (Nick Montfort; 17-Nov-2005). Homepage.
- Building (Mike Tulloch; 30-Jul-2005). Homepage.
- Le Cercle des Gros Geeks disparus (Adrien Saurat; Oct-2005). French. French Mini-If-Comp.
- The Colour Pink (Robert Street; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- The Corn Identity (Carl Muckenhoupt, Serhei Makarov, Tama Wise, J. Robinson Wheeler, Alexandre Owen Muñiz, Admiral Jota, Andrew Schepler, Jacqueline A. Lott, Sam Kabo Ashwell, Dan Shiovitz, John Cater, Duchess, Mark Musante; 05-Sep-2005). IF Whispers. See The Corn Identity directory.
- Conan Kill Everything (Ian Haberkorn; 13-Apr-2005). Title from StupidTitleComp.
- La Conción del Bardo (Bruce Humphrey; Oct-2005). Spanish. MedievoComp.
- Dastardly (Andy Chase; Jan-2005). Third 24 Hours of Inform.
- Dawn of the Demon (Paul Drallos; 23-May-2005). Gamepage.
- Deadsville (William McDuff; 24-Jul-2005). IntroComp 2005.
- Dog Show (Mrs. Drallos' Fourth Grade PACE class; 10-Jul-2005). Developed with Adventure Book. LOTECH Comp 2005.
- Dreamlands (JB Ferrant; Oct-2005). French. French Mini-If-Comp.
- Dreary Lands (Paul Lee; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- The First Mile (Howard A. Sherman, publisher: Malinche Entertainment; 15-Jul-2005). Commercial.
- Flat Feet (Joel Ray Holveck; 31-Mar-2005). Spring Thing 2005.
- The Fluid of Life (Carl Muckenhoupt; 28-Aug-2005). Speed-IF Jacket 3.
- The Fox, The Dragon, and The Stale Loaf of Bread (David Welbourn; 24-Jul-2005). IntroComp 2005.
- Fran and Bart Want a Snowman! Part V: Halfway Back Again a.k.a. Segment 5 (Tommy Herbert; 26-May-2005). Segment Mini-Comp.
- FutureGame (tm) (The FutureGame Corporation; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- The Great Machine: A Fragment (Jonas Kyratzes; 31-Mar-2005). Developed with Adventure Book.
- Hello Sword - The journey a.k.a. Hello Sword - Il viaggio (Andrea Rezzonico; 01-Oct-2005). English and Italian versions. IF Comp 2005.
- The Hentai Adventures of Captain Cumshot (Jake Wildstrom; 28-Aug-2005). Speed-IF Jacket 3.
- History Repeating (Mark Choba and Renee Choba; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- The Hobbit (Serhei Makarov; 24-Jul-2005). IntroComp 2005.
- Internal Vigilance (Simon Christiansen; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Kaboot's Story a.k.a. Segment 4 (Josh Giesbrecht; 26-May-2005). Segment Mini-Comp.
- Das Kopialbuch (Maximilian Kalus; 1-Apr-2005). German. Grand Prix 2005.
- Mystery House Possessed (Emily Short; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Neon Nirvana (Tony Woods; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- A New Life (Alexandre Owen Muñiz; 01-Oct-2005; Z-code). IF Comp 2005.
- On Optimism (Zach Flynn as "Tim Lane"; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Phantom: Caverns of the killer (Brandon Coker; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Praser 5 a.k.a. Fifth Praser Maze (Andrew Plotkin; 29-Apr-2005). Zarfhome link.
- Psyche's Lament (Now We Have Faces; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots (Benjamin Mullins; 9-Feb-2005).
- Snatches (Gregory Weir; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Snowman Sextet - Part II a.k.a. Segment 2 (Jessica Knoch; 26-May-2005; Z-code). Segment Mini-Comp.
- Somewhen (Bryce J. Rhaiz; 24-Jul-2005). IntroComp 2005.
- Son of a... (C.S. Woodrow; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- speedif zombie (J. Robinson Wheeler; 23-Aug-2005). Speed-IF Zombie.
- The Sword of Malice (Anthony Panuccio; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Le Temple de Feu (Eric Forgeot; Z-code). French. French Mini-If-Comp.
- Things that Don't Exist (Nicholas Matteo; 30-Apr-2005). Things That Don't Exist Excellent Remix Contest.
- Tough Beans (Sara Dee; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- El Trono de Inglaterra (Selena and Baltasar; Oct-2005). Spanish. MedievoComp.
- txt adventure (Chris (Mr Pants); c.15-Oct-2005). Play it online.
- Unforgotten (Quintin Pan; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Upwards (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 29-Aug-2005). Speed-IF Jacket 3.
- Vespers (Jason Devlin; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Weishaupt Scholars: Prologue (Michael Martin; 24-Jul-2005). IntroComp 2005.
- Where There's a Will (Dan Shiovitz; 15-Mar-2005). Mystery House Taken Over.
- Whom The Telling Changed (Aaron A. Reed; 31-Mar-2005). Spring Thing 2005.
- Within a Wreath of Dewdrops, or, A Poisoned Zenith (Sam Kabo Ashwell, Jacqueline A. Lott, both as "Alphonse de l'Entaille"; Jan-2005). Third 24 Hours of Inform.
- Wumpus 2000 (Muffy St. Bernard; Feb-2005). Gamepage.
Other Authoring Systems
- The Lost Kingdom BFe (Jon Ripley). Port of his The Lost Kingdom (2004; MS-Windows, RISC OS).
- DRAX (Paul Allen Panks).
- Palace of Shadows (Christos Stogiannopoulos; 10-Oct-2005). Download from CAAD.
Except as noted, the following Quest games are available at the Quest Archive.
- Attempted Assassination (Matt Slotnick; 16-Apr-2005). Baf's Guide
- ESPER: The Secret of Drom Bennacht (Ian McDermott; 16-Jan-2005).
- The Former (DirkW; 4-Sep-2005).
- Haunted Horror (Matt Slotnick; 4-Sep-2005).
- King's Quest V - The Text Adventure (Part 1 of 2) (Steve Lingle; 7-Jan-2005).
- The Last Detective (Catalin; 14-Aug-2005).
- The Lazy Gun Cult (Felic Roman; 4-Sep-2005).
- Operation: Sleepover (Justin Bailey; 4-Sep-2005).
- Star Wars: Escape from Dagobah (David Leavitt; 4-Sep-2005).
- Three Worlds (Zach Kelly; 4-Sep-2005).
- Space War!...and the PDP-1 (Paul Allen Panks; 15-Jun-2005; MS-DOS).
- 23:15 (Jon Ripley; 10-Sep-2005). Winner or 2K Comp 2005. Includes a RISC OS version.
- Creepy Mansion (Kevin Lyons; demo release: 03-May-2005). Requires .NET. Creepy Mansion website.
- Façade (Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern; 05-Jul-2005). Homepage. Requires a 1.6 GHz processor or faster. 800MB.
- Jesus of Nazareth (Paul Allen Panks as "dunric"; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Ninja II (Paul Allen Panks as "Dunric"; 01-Oct-2005). IF Comp 2005.
- Smile (Chris Molloy Wischer; 06-Sep-2005). 2K Comp 2005.
- Space Horror I: Prey for Your Enemies (Jerald M. Cooney; 01-Oct-2005; MS-Windows/HTML). IF Comp 2005.
- Die Queste I (Jonas Engels; 1-Apr-2005). German. Grand Prix 2005.