From IFWiki
A list of some abbreviations and acronyms used in articles about interactive fiction:
- AAS = Advanced Authoring System
- ABNO = A Bear's Night Out
- ACE = Adventure Creation Environment
- ADRIFT = Adventure Development & Runner Interactive Fiction Toolkit
- AGT = Adventure Game Toolkit
- AIF = Adult Interactive Fiction
- ALAN = Adventure LANguage
- AMFV = A Mind Forever Voyaging
- BTZ = Better Than Zork
- CAAD = Club de Aventuras AD
- C.A.T. = Creative Adventure Toolkit
- CBN = Clueless Bob Newbie
- CRPG = Computer Role-Playing Game
- CYOA = Choose Your Own Adventure
- DM4 = The Inform Designer's Manual, Fourth Edition, by Graham Nelson
- ELO = Electronic Literature Organization
- GAC = Graphic Adventure Creator
- GAGS = Generic Adventure Game System
- GTV = Guess The Verb
- GUE = Great Underground Empire
- H2G2 = The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- IBG = The Inform Beginner's Guide, by Roger Firth and Sonja Kesserich
- IF = Interactive Fiction
- IFML = Interactive Fiction Markup Language
- JACL = JACL Adventure Creation Language
- LGOP = Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- M.A.C. = Mystery Adventure Creator
- MDL = MIT Design Language
- MUD = Multi-User Dungeon
- NI = Natural Inform
- NLP = Natural language programming
- NPC = Non-Player Character
- NXI = Node-X Interpreter
- ORGC = One Room Game Competition
- PAW = Professional Adventure Writer
- PAWS = Professional Adventure Writing System
- PC = Player Character
- PRIF or PR-IF = People's Republic of Interactive Fiction, a Boston group.
- PUTPBAD = Pick Up The Phone Booth And Die
- r*if = refers to both raif and rgif
- RAGS = Rapid Adventure Game System
- raif =
- RAP = Reactive Agent Planner
- rgif =
- RPG = Role-Playing Game
- SPAC = Sociedad para la Preservación de las Aventuras Conversacionales
- SPAG = Society for the Promotion of Adventure Games
- STAC = ST Adventure Creator
- SUDS = Single-User Dungeon System
- T.A.B. = ThinBASIC Adventure Builder
- TADS = Text Adventure Development System
- T.A.G. = Text-Adventure-Generator
- TDS = The Dominant Species, an ADRIFT author.
- WIP = Work In Progress
- WNIP = Work Not In Progress
- ZIL = Zork Implementation Language
- ZIP = Zork Interpreter Program
Abbreviations understood by most modern interpreters of interactive fiction:
- D = down
- E = east
- G = again
- I = inventory
- L = look
- N = north (or no, when in context)
- NE = northeast
- NW = northwest
- O = oops
- Q = quit
- S = south
- SE = southeast
- SW = southwest
- U = up
- W = west
- X = examine
- Y = yes
- Z = wait
Uncommonly understood abbreviations:
- A = ask about, or aft
- B = back
- F = fore, or forward
- P = port
- SB = starboard
- T = talk to, or tell about, or topics
See also: