List of one-word titles
From IFWiki
Which IF games have one-word titles? (That is, which IF game titles don't include any spaces?)
- 1-2-3...; 1981; 2052; 2112; 2112; 23:15; 2604; 43; 98769765; 9:05; 9Lives
- :-| (Moods); >>-----?----->; +=3 (Increment by Three)
- Aayela; Absturzmomente; Accuse; Acheton; ADRIFT-O-Rama; ADVENT; Adventure; Adventure!; Adventureman; Adventwiture; Aegis; Afflicted; Aftermath; Afuera; Agency; Aggravatron; Aisle; Akkoteaque; Akron; Alabaster; Allkrieg; Aluzine; Amanda; Amazon; Amishville; Amissville; Amissville; Amnesia; Amnesia; Amnesia; Ananachronist; Anchorhead; Animals; Anne; Antifascista; Aotearoa; Apocolyptica; Apokalupsis; Apoptosis; Apprentice; Ares; l'Armando; Artifice; L'artificiere; Artifiction; Ascenseur; A.S.D.F.A.; Asendent; Asesino; Assassin; Assignment; Astral; Asylum; Asylum; Asylum; August; Augustine; Aurora; Authority; Avon; Awakening; Aznardrilo; Azteca
- B-Venture; Ba'Roo!; Babel; Backup; Balances; Balladomat; Ballyhoo; Baluthar; Bananenrepublik; Bandera; Barbarian; Barbarossa; Bariscebik; Barton; battle; baZic; Beam; Becky; Bedlam; Bee; Begatron; Behavior; Behold!; Belief; Bellclap; Bender; Beowulf; Beyond; BiCon; Bio; Bird; BirdBath; Biscuit; Blackberry; Blasphemy; Blast; Blind; Blink; Blink; Bliss; Bloodline; Blue; Bmissfille; Bob; BOFH; Bonehead; Botón; Boxman; Braaid; Brace; Brainfreeze; Break-In; Breakout; Breakout; Breathe; Briar; Briefcase; Bronze; Brume; BSE; Bugged; Building; Bunt; Burbuja; Bureaucracy; Burglar!; Burglary!; Burning; Busted!; Buttons
- Cacophony; Caffeination; Calliope; Calm; Camel; Camelot; Camelot; Camping!; Captive; Carcula; Caretaker; Carma; Carnival; Casino; CASK; Castaway; Casting; Catacumba; Catapole; Catseye; Causality; Cave; CC; Centipede; CERCLA; Chancellor; Changes; Chaos; Chaos; Cheater; Checkpoint; Cheeseshop; Cheezy; Cheiron; Chicago; Chicken!; Choices; Choices; Chosen; ChristmaKwanzakkah; Christminster; CHZBGR; CipherText; Citronille; clash; Clink; CLOSET; Clue; COD; Coffins; Cogito; Cold; Colditz; Colony; Colophon; Coloratura; Colours; Coma!; Compliance; CompXX; Condemned; Congratulations!; Connect; Consequences; Constraints; Constraints; Containment; Cook-Off!; CoolHigh; Corruption; Corvidia; CosmoServe; Cottage; Cradle; Cramming; Crashland; CRAZY???; Cruise; Cruisin; Crusade; Crypt; Cryptographer; Cryptozookeeper; Cubo; Cumberbund; Curse!; Cursed; Curses; Custard; Cutthroats; CYBERQUEEN; Cyclops
- D-Day; d2d; Daigoro; Dard'enFer; Darkness; Dastardly; Deadline; Deadsville; Deadventure; Deanna; Debutante; Decisions; Deephome; Degeneracy; Deklinator; Delusions; Delvyn; Despair; Detective; Detention; Diana; Different; Digimon; Dilemma; Dim; Dinnertime; Diorama; Discord; Disenchanted; Distress; Ditch; Do.; Dogs; Domicile; Donuts; Doomed!; Doomsday; Door; Dork; Down; Download; Dragon; Dragon!; Dragonlord; Dragonsphere; Drakmagi; DRAX; Dreadwine; Dreamland; Drive-In; Ducksoup; Duende; Dungeon; Dunwich; Dwenodon; Dyepryessiya
- E-Mailbox; Ecdysis; Eden; Eioioio; Ekphrasis; Electrabot; Elements; Enchanter; Encryptment; Endgame; Endgame; Enemies; Enhanced; Enigma; Enlightenment; Enlisted; Enterprise; Enterprising; Epyk; Eragon; Erehwon; Eruption; Escapade!; Escapadium; Escape; Escape; ESCAPE!; Escape!; Estación; ETO; Eurydice; Evacuate; Evylon; Examination; Exhibition; Exile; Existence; EXO; Expedition; Explore!; explorer; EXTERMINATE!
- Façade; Fail-Safe; Fantasy; FarmCraft; FarmQuest; Fate; Fear; FGBG; Fifteen; Filaments; Fine-Tuned; Firebird; First; Fish!; Fish-Bot!; Flamel; Flametop; Flaws; Flexibility; Floatpoint; Flotsam; Floyd; Forest; Forrajeo; Forum; Fox; fractalz; FrankenPuter; Frankenstein; Freedom; Freedom; Frozen; Frustration; Fuego; Fugue; FunHouse; Further; Fusillade
- G7056; Galatea; Galaxian; Gamlet; Gare; Gargoyle; Gasparillo; Gateway; Gejagt; Genesis; Genie; GEO; George; Germania; Ghost; Ghoster; Gigantomania; Gilded; Glass; GlkChess; GlkeBook; Glossary; Glowgrass; Gnomic; Go!; (Going:Home); Goofy; Gorgonir; Gossip; Gotcha; Goteras; Gourmet; Grayscale; Gremlins; Greystone; Grief; Grounded; Gruesome; Gumshoe
- Halite; Halleluja; Hallowe'en; Hallway; Halothane; Hamlet; Hammurabi; Hammurabi; Handyman; Hangman; Hauntings; Hazlo; Heated; Heaven-Sent; Heavenly; Hedge; Heist; HelgaFellTest; Heroes; Hiding; Home; Home; Homunculus; Hoosegow; HORSE; Hortulus; hotel; House; HTP; Hulan; Humbug; Hungry; Hunter
- I...; I'll; I-0; Ibo; Identity; if-month-zero; Igor; Igor; ImagiDroids; Imiagination; Impulso; Indigo; Inevitable; Infidel; Infil-traitor; Informatory; Inherit!; Inheritance; Inheritance; Inheritance; Inheritance; Inhumane; Initiation; Insight; Insomnia; Inspiration; Inspiration!; Interface; Intruder; Invaders; Inventory; IPv6; ISIS; It
- J'dal; Jack; Jane; Janitor; January; Jarlshof; Jet-Blue; Jibbidu; Jigsaw; Jinxter; JINXTRON; Joust; Jug2k; Jump
- Ka; Kaged; Kallisti; Katana; Kävijä; KBreak; Keepsake; Kerkerkruip; Kicker; Kidnapped; Kinesis; Kingdom; Klara; Klaustrophobia; Koan; Konix; Kupferschlummer
- Labyrinth; Labyrinth; Labyrinth; Labyrinthian; Laguar; Laura; Lavoir; Leadlight; Leather; Leatherworld; Leaves; leaves; Legion; Lemniscata; Library; Library; Life; Lightiania; Limelight; Lindisfarne; Linear; Literacy; LiveJoseph; Lodus; Logic; Lomalow; Lost; Lost?; lostJasmine; LOTR; love; Love; LoveBot; Lovesong; Luola; Lupercalia; Luster; Lysistrata
- Macetas; Macrocosm; Magic; Magicassette; Magocracy; Mahadev; Maigo; Malaise; Mammal; Mangiasaur; Mango; Manna; ManoZ; Mansion; Mariel; Marooned; Masquerade; Masta'mind; Mathematicism; Mazredugin; MC; Mechs; Medusa; Memories; Menagerie; Mercy; Merk; Metagame!; Metamorphoses; METEOR; Metroid; metrolith; MichaelsGame; Midpoints; Mines; Mingsheng; Mis/Guided; Missionaries; Mite; MMO; Möbius; Moil; Moist; Money; Monsters; Monsters; Moon-Shaped; Moonbase; Moonglow; Moonlight; Moonmist; Moonwrecked; Moooooooooo!!; Moquette; Mortality; Motion; Mountain; Mousa; MultiMaze; Murder; Myriad; Myth; MythTale; mz10
- Narcolepsy; Natalie; Nautilisia; Navigator; Nearco; Nebula; NecroKnight; Nevermore; Nevermore; Newbie; Newton; Nheredia; Nibatrus(TM); Nightfall; Nighthawks; Ninja
- O; Obedience; Obituario; Obituary; Oceana; Offering; Ogres; L'oiseau; Olisa; Once; O.N.N.A.F.A.; OnNoEf; Oo-Topos; OoTaS; Operate!; Ophelia; Options; Orathan; Order; Orpington; Oth.; Outline; Outside; Outsided; Oxygen
- Pac-Man; Packrat; Paint; Paint!!!; Panic!; PANIC!; Panorama; Pantomime; Paparazzi; Paradox; Parallel; Paranoia; Paranoia; parasite; Parasites; Parlour; Parthenon; Paseo; Passenger; PataNoir; Pathfinder; Paulinus; PAXLess; Perilkeet; Perspectives; Pest; Pestilence; Phlegm; Photograph; Photopia; Pi; PiggeryJokery; Pigpancake; Pilfers; Pilgrimage; Pillow; Pinched; Pintown; Pirating; Planetfall; Plaque; Playera; Polendina; Pong; Portals; Portrait; Potsticker; Praxis; Professional; Promoted; Pronto; Provenance; PUJ; Pumping!; Purple; PUTPBAT; Pyramid
- Qin; Quack; Querido; Queuelty; Quills; Quisius
- R; Rakish; Ralph; Ralph; Rameses; Ramirez; Rans; Rats; Recluse; Redemption; Redeye; Redskirt; Reels; Reflections; Reflets; Regrets; Relatives; Remakorp; Rematch; Remembrance; ReminiscenciaRol; rendition; Rent-A-Spy; Renuntio; Reptile; Requiem; Resonance; Resonance; Retro-Nemesis; Reunion; Revenger; Reverberations; Reverzi; Ribbons; Rift; Ring; Riverside; Rivkin; Robodud; robotfindskitten; Rockrider; Rogelio-like; Roleando; Rolled; Rompicapo; Roofed; Roofmania; Roots; Roulette; ROWR!; Rox; RPN; Ruins; Runes
- Sabotage!; Saboteur; Sacrilege; Safe; Safe; Safehouse; SafeSex; Saffire; Saied; Saloon; Salutations; Salvation; Samhain; Sanctuary; Sand-dancer; Sangraal; Sardoria; Sarvegne; Savoir-Faire; Scapeghost; Scavenger; Schießbefehl; Schizo; Schnorb; Schooldays; Scopa; Screen; Seance; Seasons; Seclude; Seestraße; Sell-Out; Selves; Sentor; SexiMatrix; Shablon; Shade; Shadowgate; Shadowpeak; Shallow; Shapes; Shapeshifter; Shelter; Shipwrecked; Short-Lived; shrapnel; Sidequest; Signos; Silverwolf; Sinferidad; Sisychickenphus; Sisyphus; Six; Skyranch; Sleep; Sleuth; SLUDGE; A-small-casual-game-with-138-characters-where-you-may-die-and-have-a-lot-of-extensive-conversation-and-maybe-some-fun-and-all-for-freee; Smile; Smote; Smuggler; Snatches; SNOSAE; Snowquest; Sobrevive; Solarium; Solitary; Somewhen; Somewhere; Sommeril; Sorcerer; Soul-Searching; Space; Spaceship!; Spacestation; Spadventure; Spectrum; Spectrum; Speed5; SpeedApocalypse; Spellbreaker; Spider; Spin; Spinning; Spiral; Spiritwrak; Splashdown; Spoutnik; Sprinklepills!; Spur; Squoufy; ST-DS9; Stairs; Stalker; Starborn; Starcross; Starlight; Stationfall; Statue; Stenness; Storforsen; Stowaway; Stranded; Stranded; Stranded; Stratos; stupidgame; Stygia; Subterránea; Successo; Sugarlawn; Suicide; Summoner; Surreal; Survival; Survive; Survivre; Suspect; Suspended; Swanglass; SWEDUN; Symetry
- T-Zero; Tabblewoop; Tamoret; Tanis; Tapestry; Tapper; Target; Taxes; Terminal; Terrified; Tetraedron; Theatre; Therapy; Things; Threed; Threediopolis; Threnody; Tic-Tac-Toe; Tightest; TIGSaga; Tilt!; T.I.M.E.; Time; Timeout; TimeRift; TimeTrap; Tin; Toasterama; ToK; Toonesia; Topaz; Torn; Tower; Tragedy; Trails; Train; Trainstopping; Transfer; Transit; Trapped; Trapped; Travel; Trein; Trenches; Tresaria; Trincea; Trinity; Tripkey; Triune; Troll!; Trollslayer; Truck; TRUDGE; Tutor; Tutorial; Twenty-One!; TWIF; Twitterific; Two; Tynwald; Typo!; Tyrant; Tzet
- Undefined; Undertow; Undo; Unease; Unforgotten; Uninvited; Unity!; Unterwelt; Untitled; untitled; Upwards
- Vadventure; Vagabond; Vague; Valkyrie; Vampiro; Vampiro; Vanyar; Varicella; Varkana; Vendetta; Vendetta; Vengance; Verb!; Vespers; Vestiges; Vigilante; vikings; Villainy; Violet; Virgin; Virtuality; VirtuaTech; Virus; Visitantes; Visocica; Visualizing; Vizzly; Voices; Void; Voyeur; Vulse
- Waker; WandMaster; Warlock; Wasteland; Water-Venture; Waystation; Weathering; Wedding; Weekend; Werewolf; Wetlands; What-IF?; Wheel; Why?; Wichtel; Winter; Wish; Wizard; Wonderland; Woof; worm; Wreckage; Wrecked; Wrenlaw; Wry; wüste; Wurm; Wuz
- XClue; Xmaton
- Y.A.D.F.A.; YAGWAD; Yell
- Z-Chess; Z-snake; Z-Tornado; Zebulon; Zed; ZedFunge; Zegrothenus; Zero; ZeroGraDoS; Zig-zy; Ziva; Zombie!; Zombies!; Zomelec; Zork; ZRacer; Zugzwang; Zurculous; Zymurgy
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