IFWiki:Main Page features
This contains all the "Featured articles" which will appear on the Main Page. The heading number is chosen based on the date of the month. Headings other than 1-31 will be ignored, so old material can remain on this page for potential future re-use. The page can only be edited by administrators since its contents appear on the Main Page, but if you have suggestions then please click "Discussion" to edit the talk page.
- Fade to White (Devon Oratz; 2000; Quest).
- The Colour Pink (Robert Street; 2005; Z-code).
- Red Planet (Conrad Knopf; 1989; MS-DOS).
- Speed-IF Orange.
- Yellow Dog Running (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2002; TADS 2).
- The Green Princess (Eric Mayer; 2002; ADRIFT).
- Blue Chairs (Chris Klimas; 2004; Z-code).
- Black Sheep's Gold (Driftingon; 2003; ADRIFT).
- Indigo (Emily Short; 2011; TADS 3).
- Purple (Stefan Blixt; 1998; Z-code).
- Violet (Jeremy Freese; 2008; Z-code).
- Shades of Gray (seven authors; 1992; AGT).
- Fade to Black (Jake Wildstrom; 2004; Z-code).
- Pale Blue Light (Kazuki Mishima; 2011; Z-code).
- Escape from a Planet Filled with Monkeys! (Randall M. Gee; 2001; TADS 2).
- Escape from Auriga (Florin Tomescu; 2004; Z-code).
- Escape from Crulistan (Alan Smithee; 2000; MS-Windows).
- Escape from Pulsar 7 (Brian Howarth; 1983; MS-DOS).
- Escape from the SS Borgarís (Kevan Davis; 2003; Z-code).
- Escape from the Starship Zenon (Andrew Gawthorpe; 2000; Z-code).
- Escape Pod (Love Letters to Love; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Escape to Freedom (Mario Moeller; 2005; ADRIFT).
- Escape to New York (Richard Otter; 2005; ADRIFT).
- An Escape To Remember (2nd IF Whispers team; 2006; Z-code).
From the Scots verb grue meaning "to shudder," also the root word of gruesome.
A legendary creature in Infocom games that would inevitably eat a player-character who spent too long in the darkness. [ES]
(Read more at Grue)
- ADRIFT-O-Rama; (Dana Crane; 2003; ADRIFT).
- At Wit's End; (Mike Sousa; 2000; TADS 2).
- Bonehead; (Sean M. Shore; 2011; Z-code).
- Doomsday; (Admiral Jota; 1999; Z-code).
- Fan Interference; (Andrew Schultz; 2011; Z-code).
- HORSE; (A. Ninny; 2007; TADS 2).
- Kicker; (Pippin Barr; 2012; Z-code).
- Revenge of the Chalupa; (Dan Schmidt; 1999; Z-code).
- SLUDGE; (Neil deMause; 1999; TADS 2).
- Textfire Golf; (Adam Cadre; 2001; Z-code).
- TinyUtopias Football Manager: Super Soccer Slam Edition; (A. Johanna DeNiro; 2016; Twine).
- Tookie's Song; (Jessica Knoch; 2002; Z-code).
Drilldown: Software
Browse IFWiki's database of authoring systems, interpreters, and other software, using filters to narrow your results.
(Go to Special:Drilldown/Software)
- Barbarossa; (New Insights Project; 2010; Adventure Maker).
- Choices: And Their Souls Were Eaten; (Tin Man Games and Felicity Banks; 2016; Custom).
- Die Gerechten Richter; (Werner Rumpeltesz; 2010; Z-code).
- The Eagle's Heir; (Jo Graham and Amy Griswold; 2017; ChoiceScript).
- Ekphrasis; (JB as FibreTigre; 2006; Z-code).
- A History of Publishing; (Marcus Bertrand; 2016; Twine).
- Lullabies and Moss; (B R Sanders;2015; Twine).
- minor fall MAJOR LIFT; (Lady Isak Grozny;2017; Ink).
- Sombras de Ferro; (New Insights Project; 2010; Adventure Maker).
- The Travels of Fitzwilliam Pound; (Caleb Wilson; 2002; Z-code).
- A Vacation in Europe; (David Smith; 1985; Eamon).
- Abstract State-warp Machines (Ivaylo Shmilev; 2014; Twine).
- Alone/Awake (PaperBlurt; 2013; Twine).
- Arid and Pale (Michael R. Bacon; 2009; Z-code).
- Danse Nocturne (Joey Jones; 2011; Z-code).
- Figueres in my Basement (Kazuki Mishima; 2010; Z-code).
- Pale Blue Light (Kazuki Mishima; 2011; Z-code).
- Somewhere (Kazuki Mishima; 2008; Z-code).
- Temple of Kaos (Peter Gambles; 2003; TADS 2).
- What Fuwa Bansaku Found (Chandler Groover; 2016; Z-code).
- The War of the Willows (Adam Bredenberg; 2015; Python).
- 1958: Dancing With Fear (Victor Ojuel; 2017; Z-code).
- 2604 (Admiral Jota; 2001; Z-code).
- A common enemy (David de Torres Huerta; 2017; Twine).
- City of Secrets (Emily Short; 2003; Z-code).
- Code Name Silver Steel (SpecialAgent; 2017; Z-code).
- The Intercept (Jon Ingold and inkle; 2012; Inklewriter).
- Report Espionage (Shane Alcock; 2001; ADRIFT).
- The Roscovian Palladium (Ryan Veeder; 2017; Z-code).
- Secret Agent Cinder (Emily Ryan; 2015; Twine).
- Tomorrow Never Comes (A. Bomire; 2005; TADS 2).
- Weishaupt Scholars (Michael C. Martin; 2007; Z-code).
- Agent 4-F From Mars (Michael Arnaud; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Infiltration on Io (Ryan N. Freebern; 2001; Z-code).
- Invasion of the Angora-fetish Transvestites from the Graveyards of Jupiter (Morten Rasmussen; 2001; MS-Windows).
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos (publisher: Infocom; 1986; Z-code).
- Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus (Dan Shiovitz and Emily Short; 2003; TADS 3).
- Moon Over Jupiter (Admiral Jota; 2001; Z-code).
- Moonbase (Mike Eckardt; 2002; TADS 2).
- The Pyramids of Mars (Patrick Wigfull; 1994; AGT).
- Temple Of The Sun (Mystery; 2003; ADRIFT).
- Toxically Earth (Tobias Schmitt; 2002 ADRIFT).

Physical items -- brochures, photographs, small coins, glow-in-the-dark plastic stones, and other paraphernalia -- distributed along with IF software, either purely for aesthetic/immersive value, or to serve as a copy-protection mechanism (offering clues to an in-game puzzle).
(Read more at Feelies)
Get Lamp
Get Lamp: The Text Adventure Documentary (http://www.getlamp.com/) is a documentary film project by Jason Scott, filmed between 2006-2008 and released in 2010. Filming started in February of 2006 with an interview of Mike Berlyn, with pre-production research taking place at least a year before that.
(Read more at Get Lamp)
- Countdown 3 - the Mind (Ben Croshaw; 2007; Z-code).
- The Death of Two Great Minds (Alex Watson; 2001; Z-code).
- In The Mind Of The Master (David Whyld; 2007; ADRIFT).
- The Mind Electric (Jason Dyer; 1995; Z-code).
- A Mind Forever Voyaging (publisher: Infocom; 1985; Z-code).
- My Mind's Mishmash (Robert Street; 2007; ADRIFT).
- Piece of Mind (Giles Boutel; 1996; Z-code).
- Planet of the Infinite Minds (Alfredo Garcia; 2000; TADS 2).
- State of Mind (Ehlanna Forrest; 2007; RAGS).
- Your mind is gone, it must be brought, you have some rock candy. (Lenny Pitts; 1999; TADS 2).
- A Bear's Night Out (David Dyte; 1997; Z-code).
- Doom Cat!! (Eric Mayer; 2003; ADRIFT).
- Fox, Fowl and Feed (Chris Conroy; 2007; Z-code).
- Goose, Egg, Badger (Brian Rapp; 2004; Z-code).
- Lost Pig (Admiral Jota; 2007; Z-code).
- One of Our Wombats is Missing (Mike Gerrard; 1990; Spectrum).
- Rat In Control (Michael J. Roberts; 2003; TADS 3).
- Slap That Fish (Peter Nepstad; 2007; TADS 2).
- Spider and Web (Andrew Plotkin; 1998; Z-code).
- Sting of the Wasp (Jason Devlin; 2004; Z-code).
- The Lesson of the Tortoise (Gerry Kevin Wilson; 1997; TADS 2).
- The Tower of the Elephant (Tor Andersson; 2006; Z-code).
- Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me! (Jon Ingold and Mike Sousa; 2002; TADS 2).
ClubFloyd was founded on September 2, 2007. The idea behind it is that each week at a pre-arranged time, people can meet online to cooperatively play a game of interactive fiction.
(Read more at ClubFloyd)
- Aunts and Butlers (Robin Douglas Johnson; 2006; Versificator).
- Book and Volume (Nick Montfort; 2005; Z-code).
- Chicken and Egg (Adam Thornton; 1998; Z-code).
- Color and Number (Steven Kollmansberger; 2002; TADS 2).
- Earth and Sky (Paul O'Brian; 2001; Z-code).
- Lists and Lists (Andrew Plotkin; 1996; Z-code).
- Lock & Key (Adam Cadre; 2002; Glulx).
- Once and Future (G. Kevin Wilson; 1998; TADS 2).
- Snakes and Ladders (Ken Franklin; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Spider and Web (Andrew Plotkin; 1998; Z-code).
Initially, a trademarked name for the hint booklets published by Infocom; now a generic term for a way of organizing a series of increasingly explicit hits that do not unnecessarily destroy the challenge of solving a puzzle.
Each of the Infocom Invisicules books included a series of questions that the player might ask about a particular puzzle (e.g. "How do I find the cave entrance?"), and a series of increasingly specific answers written in invisible ink.
(Read more at Invisiclues)
- April in Paris (Jim Aikin; 2008; TADS 3).
- Chicago (Mel S; 2001; ADRIFT 3.9).
- Downtown Tokyo, Present Day (John Kean; 1998; Z-code).
- Kurusu City (Kevin Venzke; 2004; TADS 2).
- Lost New York (Neil deMause; 1996; TADS 2).
- Melbourne Beach (DuoDave; 2001; ADRIFT 3.9).
- Pantsless in Seattle (David A. Cornelson; 2000; Z-code).
- Schatten über London (Martin Vincenz; 2006; TAG).
- Storm Over London (Juhana Leinonen; 2014; Hugo).
- Tinseltown Blues (Chip Hayes; 2002; Z-code).
- When in Rome 1: Accounting for Taste (Emily Short; 2006; Z-code).
- Basic Train-ing (bpsp; 2010; Z-code).
- Downtown Train (Owen Lockett; 2004; Z-code).
- The Ghost Train (Paul T. Johnson; 2003; Z-code).
- Late Train To Nowhere (Michael D. Hilborn; 2009; Z-code).
- Reality Railroad (Admiral Jota; 2003; Z-code).
- Ticket to No Where (Richard Otter; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Train (Sly Dog; 2005; ADRIFT 4).
- Trainstopping (Ben Collins-Sussman; 2007; Z-code).
- Tube Trouble (Richard Tucker; 1995; Z-code).
- Death By Monkey (R. Rawson-Tetley; 2002; IAGE).
- Escape from a Planet Filled with Monkeys! (Randall M! Gee; 2001; TADS 2).
- A Monkey Stole Your Toast! (Admiral Jota; 2003; Z-code).
- A monkey too many (Echarin; 2002; ADRIFT 3.9).
- The one about the chicken, the lion and the monkey? (Sam Barlow; 1998; Z-code).
- That Crazy Radioactive Monkey! (Mel S; 2003; ADRIFT 4).
- Three Monkeys, One Cage (Robert Goodwin as "Hanadorobou"; 2003; ADRIFT 4).
- The Unfortunate Training of Frank Lee, Monkey Butler to Be (Josh Giesbrecht; 2001; Z-code).
- WOODEN CAT vs. ROBOT MONKEY (Sam Thursfield; 2001; Z-code).
An interpreter (or terp, for short) is an application program ("app") which reads a story file and presents the game contained inside that file to the player.
(Read more at Interpreter)
- 18 Rooms to Home (Carolyn VanEseltine; 2015; Z-code).
- Back Home (James Webb; 2011; ADRIFT).
- Coming Home (Andrew Katz; 1997; Z-code).
- Far From Home (Mad Monk; 2002; ADRIFT).
- Going:Home (SaintOfPenguins; 2012 Twine).
- Hoist Sail for the Heliopause and Home (Andrew Plotkin; 2010; Z-code).
- Home Open (Emily Boegheim; 2016; TADS 3).
- Home Sweetie-Bot Home (Jacques Frechet; 2012; Web-browser).
- Letters from Home (Roger Firth; 2000; Z-code).
- Light My Way Home (Caelyn Sandel; 2014; Z-code).
- Dead Pavane for a Princess (Emily Boegheim; 2013; Z-Code).
- The Green Princess (The Invisible Man; 2002; ADRIFT).
- Jacqueline, Jungle Queen! (Steph Cherrywell; 2014; Quest).
- King Arthur's Night Out (Mikko Vuorinen; 1999; Alan).
- KING OF BEES IN FANTASY LAND (Brendan Patrick Hennessy; 2013; Twine).
- Land of the Mountain King (Kenneth Pedersen; 2017; ADRIFT).
- Mirror and Queen (Chandler Groover; 2016; Z-Code).
- The Paper Bag Princess (Adri; 2013; Z-Code).
- The Prince of Tyndal (Gladys Officer and Gerry Officer; 1987; The Quill).
- The Prince on a Tightrope (thekrogg; 2013; Quest).
- The Queen of Swords (Jessica Knoch ;2003; Z-Code).
- An Act of Murder (Christopher Huang; 2007; Z-Code).
- The Hollywood Murders (Michael Zerbo; 1996; Alan).
- Murder at the Aero Club (Penny Wyatt; 2004; Z-Code).
- Murder at the Diogenes Club (Gerald Lientz; 2002; Z-Code).
- Murder at the Folkestone Inn (Anne Laughlin; 1993; AGT).
- Murder at the Manor (Keith Bolam and Allan Morton; 1983; Spectrum.
- Murder on the Hill (Craig Dutton; 2012; Quest).
- Murder Mansion (Roy Lee; 2005; ADRIFT).
- Murder Mystery Weekend (Jonathan Scott and Stephen Boyd; 1997; PAW).
- Mustard, Music, and Murder (Christopher Huang; 2016 Z-Code).
- A Party to Murder (David Good; 2002; ADRIFT).
Parser-choice hybrid
Parser-choice hybrid (or just hybrid) interactive fiction covers works which are not easily categorised as either parser-based or choice-based IF, having some characteristics of both.
(Read more at Parser-choice hybrid)
Triangle of identities
A term invented by Graham Nelson to describe the nature of a player's interaction with a game.
(Read more at Triangle of identities)
- Across The Stars: The Ralckor Incident; (Dark Star and Peter Mattsson; 2007; Z-code).
- Balance of Trade; (Robert Luke Doman; 2018; Twine).
- Brain Guzzlers from Beyond!; (Steph Cherrywell; 2015; Z-code).
- The Gostak; (Carl Muckenhoupt; 2001; Z-code).
- The Fleet; (Jonathan Valuckas; 2012; ChoiceScript).
- Floatpoint; (Emily Short; 2006; Z-code).
- Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea; (Duncan Bowsman; 2012; ADRIFT).
- The Myothian Falcon; (Andy Joel; 2011; Quest).
- Pirates and Ninjas and Aliens, Oh My!; (John Cater; 2003; Z-code).
- Play Nice; (alicethornburgh; 2013; Quest).
- Space Aliens Laughed at my Cardigan; (Andre M. Boyle; 1992; AGT).
- Worlds Apart; (Suzanne Britton; 1999; TADS 2).
- Word of the Day; (Richard Otter; 2017; Z-code).
- The Amazing Uncle Griswold (David Whyld; 2005; ADRIFT 4).
- Aunt Nancy's House (Nate Schwartzman; 1997; Z-code).
- Aunts and Butlers (Robin Douglas Johnson; 2006; DHTML).
- The Big Mama (Brendan Barnwell; 2000; Z-code).
- Child's Play (Stephen Granade; 2006; Z-code).
- The House Husband (Christy Henshaw; 2005; ADRIFT).
- Mother Loose (Irene Callaci; 1998; Z-code).
- The Sisters (James Webb; 2006; ADRIFT 4).
- Son of a... (C. S. Woodrow; 2005; Z-code).
- Son of Ali Baba (John Olsen; 1992; MS-DOS).
- Uncle Zebulon's Will (Magnus Olsson; 1995; TADS 2).
Cheese-friendly Game Directory
Note: The Cheese-friendly Game Directory is a webpage by Emily Short. The content of her directory is used on IFWiki with permission.
(Read more at Cheese-friendly Game Directory)
A magic word implemented by Will Crowther in the original text adventure, known as "Advent" or "Colossal Cave Adventure", among other names.
(Read more at Xyzzy)
- A Crimson Spring (Robb Sherwin; 2000; Hugo).
- Dead of Winter (Gunther Schmidl; 2001; Z-code).
- The Dead of Winter (William Dooling as Theodidactus; 2019; ADRIFT 5).
- Doppy & Pru's Summer Holiday (The Doppelganger; 1985; MS-DOS).
- The Lion in Winter (Iain Merrick; 1999; TADS 2).
- The Midsummer Banquet (R. N. Dominick; 2002; TADS 3).
- Muse: An Autumn Romance (Christopher Huang; 1998; Z-code).
- She's Got a Thing for a Spring (Brent VanFossen; 1997; Z-code).
- Spellcasting 301: Spring Break (Legend Entertainment; 1992; MS-Windows).
- Winter Wonderland (Laura Knauth; 1999; Z-code).
- Winter Wonderland (Incentive Software; Spectrum).
- Cowboy Adventure (Silas1; 2013; Quest).
- Cowboy Blues (David Whyld 2003; ADRIFT).
- Even Cowgirls Bleed (Christine Love; 2013; Twine).
- Gaucho - An Interactive Geek Western (Dave Bernazzani, Steven Robert, and Jason Hanks; 2012; Z-code).
- Ghost Town (Finn Rosenløv as Cowboy; 2003; ADRIFT).
- The Golden Locket (Keith Burnard; publisher: Zenobi Software; 1993; The Quill).
- Gun Mute (C.E.J. Pacian; 2008; TADS 3).
- Hill Ridge Lost & Found (Jeremy Pflasterer; 2016; TADS).
- Hoosegow (Ben Collins-Sussmanand Jack Welch; 2010; Z-code).
- Dr. Kong in: Exploding Poodle Inevitable (A W; 2011; Z-code).
- 'Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus (Victor Gijsbers; 2010; Z-code).
- Spur (Kent Tessman; 1995; Hugo).
- Showdown at Willow Creek (Alana Joli Abbott; 2013; ChoiceScript).
- At Wit's End (Mike Sousa; 2000; TADS 2).
- Escape from the Crazy Place (Jason Guest; 2006; TADS 2).
- Crazy Old Bag Lady (Anna Fruen; 2005; ADRIFT).
- Losing Your Grip (Stephen Granade; 1998; TADS 2).
- Lunatix: The Insanity Circle (Mike Snyder; 1999; QuickBASIC).
- Off the Trolley (Krisztian Kaldi; 2005; TADS 2).
- Paranoia (Sam Shirley; Z-code).
- Psycho Ward (Rob Sedler; Amiga).
- Reality's End (Harry Hol; 2003; Z-code).
- Slouching Towards Bedlam (Daniel Ravipinto and Star Foster; 2003; Z-code).
- Your mind is gone, it must be brought, you have some rock candy. (Lenny Pitts; 1999; TADS 2).
- No Time To Squeal (Robb Sherwin and Mike Sousa; 2001; TADS 2),
- Four Seconds (Jason Reigstad; 1999; TADS 2).
- 3 Minutes to Live (Ren; 2006; ADRIFT 4).
- The Last Hour (Roberto Grassi; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure (David Whyld; 2006; ADRIFT 4).
- Friday Afternoon (Mischa Schweitzer; 1997; Z-code).
- Weekend (Pierre; 2005; TADS 2).
- One Week (Papillon; 2001; TADS 2).
- Sabotage on the Century Cauldron (Thomas de Graaff; 2005; TADS 2).
- A Mind Forever Voyaging (publisher: Infocom; 1985; Z-code).
- One Week (Papillon; 2001; TADS 2).
- Take One (Robert Street; 2005; ADRIFT).
- Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure (David Whyld; 2006; ADRIFT).
- The Death of Two Great Minds (Alex Watson; 2001; Z-code).
- Best of Three (Emily Short; 2001; Glulx).
- Four in One (J. Robinson Wheeler; 1998; TADS 2).
- The Frenetic Five vs. the Seven Deadly Dwarves (Neil deMause; 2002; TADS 2).
- Six Silver Bullets (William Dooling; 2018; ADRIFT).
- Six Stories (Neil K. Guy; 1999; TADS 2).
- The House of Seven Gables (Greg Hassett; 1978; TRS80).
- 8k Adventure (Paul Allen Panks; 2004; MS-DOS, TADS 2).
- Nine Points (Robert Janelle and Brad O'Donnell; 1996; Z-code).
- Ten Little Indians (Brian Howarth; 1983; various).
- Delightful Wallpaper; (Andrew Plotkin ('Edgar O. Weyrd'); 2006; Z-code).
- Eight characters, a number, and a happy ending (K.G. Orphanides; 2016; Quest).
- Fun and Games (Ian Finley; 2000; TADS 2).
- Fun Tiemz (Spork; 2012; Quest).
- The Funhouse (C. A. Gist; 2003; ADRIFT).
- The Fun Walk Home (John Anthony; 2015; Twine).
- Happy Ever After (Robert M. Camisa; 2000; Z-code).
- Happy Valley (Lumin; 2008; ADRIFT).
- Koustrea's Contentment (Jeremy Pflasterer; 2015; TADS 3).
- The Last Laugh (David Cornelson; 2000; Z-code).
- Pleasure Palace (Storme Winfield; 2003; AAS).
- +=3 (Carl de Marcken and David Baggett; 1994; TADS 2).
- 9:05 (Adam Cadre; 1999; Z-code).
- Bio (David Linder; 2003; TADS 2).
- CC (Mikko Vuorinen; 1998; Alan).
- d2d (Simon Lamont; 2000; Z-code).
- ETO (Ian Waddell; 2004; Z-code).
- Go! (Xenia; 2001; ADRIFT).
- I... (Christopher Cole; 2003; ADRIFT).
- I-0 (Adam Cadre; 1997; Z-code).
- I'll (Sean Barrett; 2000; Z-code).
- It (Emily Boegheim; 2011; TADS 3).
- Ka (Dan Efran; 2010; Z-code).
- Oth. (Gunther Schmidl; 2002; Z-code).
- Rox (L. Ross Raszewski; 2001; Z-code).
- Six (Wade Clarke; 2011; Glulx).
- Tin (Jim Aikin; 2007; TADS 3).
- Beat the Devil (Robert M. Camisa; 1999; Z-code).
- Dawn of the Demon (Paul Drallos; 2005; Z-code).
- The Demon Hunter (David Parish; 2005; ADRIFT).
- The Devil Made Me Do It (David A. Cornelson; 1998; Z-code).
- Evil Brain Five (Søren J. Løvborg; 2003; TADS 3).
- The Evil Chicken of Doom! (Mel S; 2002; ADRIFT).
- The Evil Sorcerer (Gren Remoz; 2001; Z-code).
- In the House of Professor Evil: The HAM HOUSE (S. John Ross; 2006; Z-code).
- Triumphant Return of the Evil Sea Grape (Adam Biltcliffe; 2001; Z-code).
- Where Evil Dwells (Paul T. Johnson and Steve Owens; 1998; Z-code).
- The Angel, the Devil and the Human (Benjamin Samuel; 2007; ADRIFT 4).
- Crystal and Stone Beetle and Bone (Jenny Brennan; 2007; Z-code).
- Fox, Fowl and Feed (Chris Conroy; 2007; Z-code).
- The Fox, The Dragon, and The Stale Loaf of Bread (David Welbourn; 2005; Z-code).
- Goose, Egg, Badger (Brian Rapp; 2004; Z-code).
- The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet (Graham Nelson; 1996; Z-code).
- The one about the chicken, the lion and the monkey? (Sam Barlow; 1998; Z-code).
- Pirates and Ninjas and Aliens, Oh My! (John Cater; 2003; Z-code).
- The President, the Democrats, and Smelly Pete (David A. Cornelson; 2003; Z-code).
- Romeo, Juliet and the Dog (Ricardo Dague; 2002; Z-code).
- A Day at School; (Fivesweat; 2008; ADRIFT).
- Danger School; (Dan Shiovitz; 2001; TADS 2).
- Happy Pony Valley Riding School; (Lynda Clark; 2017; Twine).
- I am a math teacher and I am about to die; (George Smolik; 2015; Quest).
- Ideal Pacific Coast University; (NewKid; 2005; TADS 3).
- Schooldays; (Andrew MacKinnon; 2001; Z-code).
- Strange Day at School; (Mt; 2013; Quest).
- Teacher Feature; (Paul Equinox Collins; 2006; Z-code).
- Tales From The College Presents A Breath Of Fresh Blair; (Jesse Burneko; 1996; Z-code).
- Trapped in School; (Paul Drallos; 2003; Z-code).
- Virtua School; (Dana LoDico and Josh Noe; 1997; MS-DOS).
- An apple from nowhere (Brendan Barnwell; 2001; Glulx).
- The Beetmonger's Journal (Scott Starkey; 2001; TADS 2).
- Boiled Eggs (Anna Fruen; 2006; ADRIFT 4).
- The Corn Identity (1st IF Whispers Team; 2005; Z-code).
- Custard (Evin Robertson; 2000; Z-code).
- A Day for Fresh Sushi (Emily Short; 2001; Z-code).
- Friar Bacon's Secret (Carl Muckenhoupt; 2000; Z-code).
- Marmalade Skies (evil_flagpole; 2005; ADRIFT 3.9).
- Ninja Burger (Andrew Drazkowski; 2003; TADS 2).
- Phred Phontious and the Quest for Pizza (Michael Zey; 1997; Z-code).
- The Tower of Beef (Ricardo Signes; 2003; Z-code).
- All Hope Abandon (Eric Eve; 2005; TADS 3).
- All Roads (Jon Ingold; 2001; Z-code).
- All Things Devours (half sick of shadows; 2004; Z-code).
- All Through the Night (Daniel Saults; 2013; ADRIFT).
- Everybody Dies (Jim Munroe; 2008; Glulx).
- Everybody Loves a Parade (Cody Sandifer; 1997; TADS 2).
- Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy (Paragon Software; 1988; MS-DOS).
- The Island of Infinity (Alex Freeman; 2003; TADS 2).
- Nothing More, Nothing Less (Gilles Duchesne; 2001; Hugo).
- Zero (William A. Tilli; 2004; TADS 2).
- Zero Sum Game (Cody Sandifer; 1997; TADS 2).
- A Zeroeth Dimension (Dewey Mowris; 2010; Z-code).
- Bronze (Emily Short; 2006; Z-code).
- Concrete Paradise (Tyson Ibele; 2002; TADS 2).
- Darkness (Richard Otter; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Glass (Emily Short; 2006; Z-code).
- Leather (Christopher Tate; 2001; Hugo).
- Lost Gold (Ray Johnson; 1992; AGT).
- A Paper Moon (Andrew Krywaniuk; 2003; Z-code).
- Saffire (Woodfish; 2003; ADRIFT).
- Tin (Jim Aikin; 2007; TADS 3).
- Topaz (Woodfish; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Wax Worx (Eric Mayer; 2004; ADRIFT).